On Thursday, the Grandview R-II School District received our second student positive COVID-19 test result on a High School Student. The district has worked with Jefferson County Health Department to do a Contact Tracing Investigation. Any known Direct Contact (someone that has been within 6 feet of the individual for 15 or more minutes) has been informed. Please know that we are very limited on the information we can provide; any information that could lead to the identity of the student i.e., classes, gender, grade, activities, cannot be shared by law. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation as we will do our best to keep the community informed.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
We are happy to announce that we will be able to provide free breakfast and lunch to ALL students no matter their family’s income. The program was approved to run through December 31st or until funding runs out (whichever comes first). The meals will be available every day that school is in session for in-person learners and for pick-up for remote learners on Tuesday or the 1st day of the week school is in session. This will be effective immediately. Remote learners will need to fill out the Google Form on the school website to be eligible. The form needs to be filled out the Friday prior to the Tuesday pick-up. A week's worth of meals will be provided on Tuesday’s pick up. Pick up will be at the end of the Middle School building closest to the high school at the rear of the new Middle School Cafeteria between 2pm and 4pm. Parents still need to fill out a free and reduced meal from. This is important because on January 2, 2021, students that do not have an approved free or reduced meal application on file will have to start paying full price for their lunches. The link to the Remote leaner Google form is below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdYO_7iAAiuA4hOzYg2C1gglqYdJIoySbc3MU0gkSF5piDLNQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Good News
As the county moves to the “Red” classification, it does not mean an immediate closure of the school. Our current plan of using on campus and virtual instruction meets the health department’s recommendations for schools if there were to be a countywide “Red” designation. We have had frequent conversations with the health department, and our plan is to use the processes and procedures we have in place in regards to social distancing, physical barriers, face coverings, and contact tracing to remain open. With this being said, we will continue to monitor COVID cases in the district and in the county to see how they are directly impacting the district. As information and guidance changes, we will adjust our plan.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Covid Update
Sunday, September 6, 2020: Today, the Grandview R-II School District received positive COVID-19 test results on a High School Student. The district has worked with Jefferson County Health Department to do a Contact Tracing Investigation. Any known Direct Contact (someone that has been within 6 feet of the individual for 15 or more minutes) has been informed. Please know that we are very limited on the information we can provide; any information that could lead to the identity of the student i.e., classes, gender, grade, activities, cannot be shared by law. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation as we will do our best to keep the community informed.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
The link for the streaming of tonight's football game is https://youtu.be/dVgW5CtIduI
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Here is the link for tonight's Football game stteam: https://youtu.be/dVgW5CtIduI
over 4 years ago, Grandview R-2
Attention: Today September 2, 2020, the Grandview R-II School District received positive COVID-19 test results on a High School staff member. This staff member had no contacts that fall under Health Department guidelines that warrant a need to quarantine students or staff.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Eagle Logo
Grandview is looking for a people oriented, data driven, detail oriented, hard worker to fill a position as a High School/Middle School Nurse. Details can be found on MOREAP by following the below link. https://www.moreap.net/job_postings/61063/MO01/MO01#.X01JV8hKhPY
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Looking for
Grandview is looking for a people oriented, data driven, detail oriented, hard worker to fill a position as a High School/Middle School Nurse. Details can be found on MROREAP by following the below link. https://www.moreap.net/job_postings/61063/MO01/MO01#.X01JV8hKhPY
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Elementary teachers K-5 do not have access to the Peak K12 virtual learning platform yet. While we are waiting for this to be setup, your child’s assigned virtual support teacher will be in contact with you via email to give assignments for the first week. We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for being patient with us!
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
The initial bus routes for the 2020-2021 school year have been posted on the district website. You can also access them here: https://5il.co/jv2r They can also be found within the updated Beginning Of The Year document packet. https://5il.co/jv31
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
What do the color levels mean to Grandview? Check out this document to find out. https://5il.co/ju9b
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
The registration for the Virtual Education Program is back open. This will be closing at 11:59 pm on Thursday, August 20. https://bit.ly/GV2020-21VirtualRegistration
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
To any student in need of vaccinations, PreK, K, 8th, and 12th graders especially: The Jefferson county health department is holding a vaccination clinic at Grandview on August 20th from 3-7pm. This will be held in the Boardroom of the Middle School. Please bring your shot records. You will fill out consent form on site. One parent will be allowed with student. All students must have proof of up to date immunization in order to attend school If you are unsure if you need shots please contact lammerte@grandviewr2.org for MS/HS students and brozl@grandviewr2.org for ELEMENTARY students.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Grandview Parents and Students: Over the next few days, you will be receiving emails from our online program called PEAK. This is through a company called FuelEd. It will state that your child has been signed up for a particular class through their program even though you may or may not have signed up for the Virtual Education option. Please DO NOT DELETE THIS EMAIL. We are signing up all students through the PEAK program whether they are planning on attending school on campus or virtually in order to keep continuity for all students in the event of a change in plans for the 2020-2021 school year. Information in the email will pertain to your student. It has been said in the past and we will say it again, at no time in the history of Grandview have we come across something that has put us in such a position as currently find ourselves. Please take note that we are, as are all districts, continually exploring all options available to minimize the impact on your families and maximize the effectiveness of your child(ren)’s educational experience. We know we will get through this together and because of that we are #proud2begrandview
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday August 5, is the deadline for filling out the form for online education this fall. https://bit.ly/GV2020-21VirtualRegistration
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Don't Forget
Update on Kindergarten Graduation and 8th Grade Promotion https://5il.co/ijmw
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
GNN Breaking News
Here is the Re-Opening plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Remember this can change due to new guidelines from federal, state, and local authorities. Individual questions should be directed to your building principals. https://5il.co/ieyy
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Re-Opening Plan Cover
This message is from Coach Winkler. Due to the threat of severe weather for this evening, girls basketball camp for tonight, Wednesday, July 15, has been cancelled. Tomorrow we will meet from from 6 pm until 8 pm.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten
The regular Board Meeting for July will be held on Wednesday, July 15, in the middle school gym to allow for physical distancing. All are welcome to attend. There is no plan to stream the meeting.
over 4 years ago, Jason Van Houten