The elementary staff had meet and greet lunch with the 2023-2024 principal Dr. Duffie.
over 1 year ago, Jason Van Houten
Dr. Duffie talks with David Todahl.
Meet n greet lunch
Dr. Duffie and some of the elementary staff.
Grandview has posted an Elementary Reading Interventionist position for the 2023-2024 school year. If you are interested contact Human Resource Specialist Rebecca McAnally at Or call 636.944.3941 , choose option 6.
over 1 year ago, Jason Van Houten
Eagle Head
The date of the regular May School Board Meeting has been changed to Tuesday May 16. This is to keep it from conflicting with the high school graduation this Thursday. It will be held in the new Board Room located in the Fassen Building.
over 1 year ago, Jason Van Houten
Meeting date change
Here is a message from Dr. Brian Duffie, the elementary principal for the 2023-2024 school year. Let's welcome Dr Duffie to Eagle Nation.
over 1 year ago, Jason Van Houten
We have received many questions about the School Safety Grant Program. Rest assured, this was one of many grants we apply for throughout each year. Unfortunately, we did not receive it this year. But we have been assured that there will be another round of this grant next year.
over 1 year ago, Jason Van Houten
Square eagle Head Logo
We have a number of open positions for the 2023-2024 school year. A complete listing can be found on MOREAP. If you are interested in any of these positions contact Human Resource Specialist Rebecca McAnally at 636.944.3941 and choose option 6. Hope to hear from you soon.
over 1 year ago, Jason Van Houten
Eagles Logo
We regret to inform you due to low enrollment Grandview will not be able to provide on-campus summer school this year. There will be a virtual option and the Hillsboro and De Soto school districts have agreed to accept K-8 Grandview students in their programs. Here is a link to a message concerning this news which includes links for enrollment:
over 1 year ago, Jason Van Houten
The Grandview R2 campus has not recieved any signicant damage due to this evenings storms. Be safe and we will see you Tuesday.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Attention: This afternoon the fire alarm system was triggered in the high school. Students and staff were evacuated following safety procedures and the fire department was automatically alerted and were on the scene. After an investigation, it was found that there was not an actual fire and the students and staff were in no imminent danger. The alert system was triggered from a fault in the alarm system. The fault in the alarm system is being addressed so this event is not repeated. The administration commends the students and staff for their professionalism during the event today and appreciates the prompt and efficient action of our rescue services.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Safety First Picture
Become a Grandview Bus Driver: Starting pay is between $18.01 and $19.06 depending on experience. Will Train for FREE Yearly Steps and can bring in up to 5 years of experience. Benefits package including Board paid health and dental insurance with short-term disability Extra trip opportunities are available Incentive Program: Anyone who officially recommends a bus driver, that the school hires and that driver works for the district for 3 months will receive a $500.00 finders check. At the completion of 3 months of driving on the school calendar, not calendar months, all new drivers will receive a $1000.00 Incentive At the completion of 6 months of driving on the school calendar, not calendar months, all new drivers will receive a $1000.00 Incentive Any staff member who is willing to become a driver could qualify for all 3 incentives Full-time bus drivers receive a $500 retention incentive at the beginning of each year and a $500 retention incentive at the completion of each school year. Interested parties should contact Human Resource Specialist Rebecca McAnally at 636.944.3941 ext.6 or
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Bus Drivers Wanted
Attention families of students who are planning to attend summer school and have not informed district staff. Right now the enrollment numbers for in-person summer school are too low. Please note that in order to ensure the program will be offered this summer student participation must increase. If you are planning on utilizing on-campus summer school, a great program each year, and have not enrolled yet please contact Chana Hires at the high school counseling center (636.944.3941 x 4 or to inform us of your intention.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Let us know about summer school
Just an update on the remainder of this year's calendar: The last day of attendance for grades Pre-K through grade 11 is Friday, May 19. High school graduation remains on May 18, in the high school gym. Seniors' last day of attendance stays on May 12. Kindergarten and 8th grade promotion will be on Wednesday, May 17 in the high school gym. Kindergarten will begin at 5:30pm & 8th grade at 6:30pm. 8th grade last day of attendance is May 19. Summer school is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 23 and be in session for 18 days, ending on Friday, June 16, dependent on enrollment.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
There has been a change in the school calendar for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year. Due to not having to use inclement weather days the Grandview R-II School Board has voted to change the last day of student attendance to Friday, May 19. Teachers will work as if the date has not changed in order to fulfill their contracts for the school year. Information concerning how Kindergarten and 8th Grade promotions will be impacted by this change will follow.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Calendar Change
Congratulations to Shane Frazier, Steve Kuczka, and Rachel Wofford for being elected to the Grandview R-II School Board. They will take their oath of office at the next Regular Board Meeting; Tuesday, April 18.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
School Board Congrats
A huge thank you goes out the the voters of Eagle Nation. Project Safe Eagles passed!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Thank You Voters
Here is a tv news story about some of the area schools asking for funds to upgrade security. Grandview is one of those schools.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
In order to ensure the safety of Grandview students and staff, concerning the incoming severe weather, we will dismiss classes at 1:30 p.m. today, Friday, March 31. This will allow our bus drivers to be able to transport our student population and get home themselves before the severe weather hits. Be safe.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Stormy weather ahead
A few school districts in the area have decided to release early tomorrow for bad weather. At this time Grandview is planning on having a full day of school. Please rest assured we will be monitoring the weather closely tomorrow and will release if it becomes necessary.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
attention please
Grandview summer school teacher, parent, wife, friend, HERO!
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Jean Kuzcka
Under an abundance of caution and transparency, we are sending this to inform you of a student issue. A high school student received a threatening message from another high school student. The message threatened the student would be harmed with a firearm. The Grandview R-II School District considers the safety of Eagle Nation as the highest priority and takes all threats seriously. We have been working closely with law enforcement and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department has investigated the issue. It was determined there was no credible threat involved and that no one is in any immediate danger. Tomorrow, March 1, there will also be additional police presence on District grounds.
almost 2 years ago, Jason Van Houten