The Elementary Art Show is Monday from 1pm to 6pm on every wall, in every hallway. Even if you aren't coming for parent teacher conferences, we hope you'll make a special trip to see your child's spectacular art work.
about 5 years ago, Claire Winkeler
The new Phone Blast System will not allow a pre-recorded audio fi9le to be uploaded so if you would like to see a video of the latest Eagle Update follow this link:
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Due to quickly worsening driving conditions Grandview will not be in session today, Wednesday, February 26. This day will not be made up. Be safe and have a great day.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
No School, sorry for the late notice.
about 5 years ago, Mr. Zoph
Morse Mill Road
The Grandview School Board voted to make up five of the eight missed school days this year. Those days will be made up on March 2, March 16, March 23, April 20, and April 27. These are Mondays where we were not originally scheduled to attend.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Calendar Update
The agenda for the February Board Meeting has been posted.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
The School Board meeting for February has been changed to Wednesday, February 19. It will start at 7:00 pm on the Board Room located in the middle school building.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Sorry for the late notice, this snow started about 5:45am
about 5 years ago, Mr. Zoph
Sorry for the late notice; this snow came in around 5:45am
Due to current dangerously slick conditions on district roads the Grandview School District will not have school today, Thursday, February 6, 2020.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
The 9th grade boys and girls North County game at home has been cancelled tonight. Again, the basketball game on Feb 5th has been cancelled.
about 5 years ago, Deb Stukey
Due to inclement weather the Grandview R-II School District will not have school today, February 5, 2020.. Please stay safe and warm.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Just want you to know that the messages from the new phone system come from Little Rock, Arkansas.The number is (501) 712-2633.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
There will be another test message today at 5 pm.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Due to inclement weather the Grandview R-II School District will not have school today, 1/29/2020.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Due probable dangerous driving conditions Grandview R-II will not have school on Friday, January 24, 2020.
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
Honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Day
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
MLK Day Today
The Grandview R-II School District will have no school on Friday, January 17, 2020. This means that school will be in session on Monday, April 20, 2020. Be warm and Stay Safe!
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
No school Friday January 17, 2020
Eagle Eye for January 2020 has been released
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
The Middle School Cheer Squad will be having a fund raising event at Saucy's in Hillsboro. Use this flyer to have 10% of your bill donated to the squad
about 5 years ago, Jason Van Houten
MS Cheer Fundraiser Flyer
Watch the live stream of the 2019 Grandview R-2 Middle School Choir and Band Concert here:
about 5 years ago, Grandview R-2