As elected representatives of the Grandview R-II School District, the seven member Board of Education serves as the governing body for the community's public school system. The school board sets district policies, selects the superintendent of schools, and adopts the annual budget. School board elections occur annually in April.
Board members serve a three year term with two or three members elected each year. School board members do not receive a salary from the district and are committed and concerned patrons who volunteer countless hours working on behalf of the children and the community.
To qualify as a member of the Board of Education you must be a citizen of the United States, a resident taxpayer of the district, and reside in the State of Missouri for at least one year preceding their election or appointment and be at least 24 years of age. Any newly elected Board Member must complete 16 hours of training during the first 12 months of office.
The Board of Education generally meets the third Thursday of each month beginning at 7:00 pm. Meetings are held in the Charles A. Fassen Building. District residents are welcome to share their views with the Board of Education where a forum for public comment is provided following the Decision Item segment of the agenda. Patrons who wish to address the Board should contact the Superintendent's office prior to the meeting.